Sunday, August 5, 2012

Keeping Busy

Wow...over 2 months...I'm officially a bad blogger. I'll try to be vigilant with this again.
School starts on August 20th, and I'm happy to say I'm rather excited! I've been anxious to start high school since 6th grade, if only for the thrill of a change. I'll also be in volleyball (Dear God, please help me not to die. Thank you.) and I hope to get involved in other extracurriculars. It'll be strange to have a set schedule and homework again, but I've had plenty of time to myself for lazing and the like this summer.

Sadly, I did not get to experiment with other mediums so much as I wanted to, but I have had substantial improvement, which is lovely. Art has been a fun release, it isn't something I have to resolve myself to do. There's nothing like that urge that grips you to just create. I've also had much inspiration from amazing artists all over.
One of the many is the screwbald duo ( I can only hope to be able to paint so well someday, and hopefully I'll get a chance to try good quality watercolors soon!
Also, my family and I went to the city's Chalkfest, where artists of the community got together to draw on the sidewalks of a public park and compete. I got a chance to see all of them, and it was truly amazing!
Brigid Vaughn/burdge-bug ( remains a constant inspiration for me as an artist and a person, I want to be like her when I grow up ;)

One thing that had a depressingly notable absence from my time this summer was reading. It occupies much of time in the school year, but it seems to take a back burner over vacations. However, I have picked it back up again, and I have a long list just waiting to be read! I'm currently starting Good Omens, a novel by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, as well as re-reading old favorites. I have Graceling by Kristin Cashore ready for pickup at the library, which I am psyched to grab. It came highly recommended by a good friend, and then Brigid Vaughn referenced it, striking my memory. A favorite author of mine, Rick Riordan, has composed a list of books and his reviews, ( some of which I have already read, but I'm anxious to start that and see what comes of it! I'll definitely be kept busy.

With all the time that I spent not reading, I've been watching movies. (that sounded bad, didn't it?) I am ecstatic to say that I purchased a set of Studio Ghibli movies that I've been watching almost continuously since they arrived last week. (call me a nerd, I dare you) My favorites remain Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle, but the others have their merits too! There's 12 movies, and I worked my way through all the ones I haven't seen except for one. A few didn't spark my interest, but I am still blown away by the talent evidenced by the animation and art in these movies. I also have a giant lineup of movies that were childhood favorites I have to watch again.

So I'm not kidding when I say I'll be keeping busy, and I'm excited to see what comes of this school year! I have my art, books, movies, and music to keep me sane, so hopefully my opinion that this is a life to love will not have changed by the time it's over.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

With Closure Comes Growth

It's a good thing I got a new sketchbook for my birthday, because I just filled up my current one. I went back through it and was amazed at the difference. What encourages your growth as an artist and anything, really, is practice. The beginning of my sketchbook is 11/30/11. The end is today, 5/20/12. But what is sad is the gap. There are 70 pages full, but there is nothing between 1/7/12 and 4/2/12.
It can be known as art block, but this is not always the most accurate title for it. It is a different experience for everyone, but as far as I know, it is always painful. For those who love to draw, paint, or "art" in general, to not do so is frustrating, to say the least.
 As far as my experience, it was more an absence of passion than a blockade of inspiration. Until recently, to draw was not a big part of me. Now I have an urge to "art" that grips me until I start sketching furiously.
This probably reflects not only my growth as an artist, but as a person. I am a teenager, and thus I am changing. The official reason is wonky hormones, but it is also a transition into an adult, a development of thought and self. I know that I, personally, am always very much on the emotional spectrum. I laugh and love, I cry and close myself off. Everything just seems better or worse than it would if I was younger or older.
My love of music has also grown immensely, but I will talk about that another day. For now, we will continue the topic of growing as an artist with self-esteem.
"Oh another wonky teenager thing." But everybody has issues with this, some more than others. But ask anybody who is considered an artist, and they will have a story of this awful feeling that you don't have talent, or that your work means nothing to anybody. Or, on the other hand, you could ask an "unartistic" person. It may surprise you that they have a passion for it, but nobody realizes or acknowledges it.
Right now, I am eager to work more on my skills with a branching out. I have always been a traditional artist, (meaning not digital), sketching on paper with a pencil. But this summer, I hope to try other mediums, and my friend and I are planning on doing some collabs to help eachother. (she has been doing this whole arting thing a LOT longer, and she is very talented. I'm quite excited to work with her
So the end of this sketchbook gives me more of a sense of closure than before. I think that art is a bigger part of me than it was 3 months ago. And I hope to grow in talent and confidence. My dream is that someday I will be able to touch somebody with something meaningful this way.
See some HUGE inspirations for me, people who have touched me as I hope to touch people, in the links below: (my sister) (non biological sister) (ADORE her style and character, she also has a lot of fanart of some of my favorite book series!) (beautiful artist, her /comics/ have such meaning sjfgahjsgfd no words) (just...whoa) (Can I do that someday? I hope so) (this guy...funny, an amazing artist, great writer) (wonderful artist, even better friend) (I absolutely love this artist's painting) (yeah, I can't read any of that either, but ohmygoodness favorite manga style EVER)
Must stop before I flood this with links to amazing artists. I have so many more but must resist.
Wow I could hardly form a coherent thought in my whole meaningful speech dsghjdfgs.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Shakespeare and Spontaneity

STUFFSTUFFSTUFFSTUFF.Yeah, wrapping up the school year. I've gotten past the stage where I yell at life "NO NO WAIT I'M NOT READY" to the point where I just resolve myself to the events and try not to fall off the treadmill.

So I was walking and talking with my mom and the subject of parenting came up. We discussed how when you first start out (though I do not speak from personal experience) you expect everything to go a certain way and when your kids act up, you think you're doing something wrong. And then you keep worrying but eventually you realize that it's not necessarily your fault, that life just goes that way sometimes.
And I was I thinking about the future the wrong way? Maybe I'm just naive and happy-go-lucky, but all I planned was the fun stuff I wanted to teach my kids and be all spontaneous. Rules never even crossed my mind. Maybe it's just too early for that.

One of the things I would get all excited about was Shakespeare. I have recently gotten REALLY into Shakespeare, because there's simply nothing you can say that he hasn't said better. And it made me remember a book I used to (and still) love, Shakespeare's Secret. In that book, she talks about how when she was a little girl, she would sometimes wake up late at night and hear her dad reading it to himself. He would read to her for a while until she fell asleep to the melodious sound of the words. I want to do that. Even if I don't have kids, I want to do that. I'm sure I'll find some kid to read Shakespeare to, if I have no children of my own.

I also daydream about spontaneity. Sometimes we'll be riding in the van and I'll wish my parents would just pull over and I would get out and run through that green field of grass barefoot. That's pretty much motto (besides the obvious Hakuna Matata) SPONTANEITY. ILOVEIT.

I like books. Bye.
See what I did there? Yeah, I just made a point for my closing.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Little Things

Weeeee I have no time but there's no time like the present for procrastinating!
So I still want to try more mediums but that's gonna have to wait until I have money to fund the branching out. Hopefully I can experiment this summer. I'm leaning towards focusing on painting. Acrylics, watercolors, FINGERPAINTING, and I think it'd be great fun to try airbrushing, spraypainting, or splatterpainting. oooooh so excited now.

On another topic, I'm going to a local anime con with a friend this Friday. I have not personally ever been to one (nor has she) but it's bound to be an interesting experience. Maybe it'll give a feel for the big Supernatural con my sister and I are attedning with our aunt in October (SCREAMS I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!)

October is going to be such a fantastic month for me. A lot of small, seemingly trivial things are coming up this fall and I'm nearly bursting with excitement. Starting with Mark of Athena, which I will have been waiting a whole reichy year for by then. The new Virals book, the Supernatural con!!!

Still trying to keep up with all the end of the year rush for school. Lots of projects to finish. Projects I should be working on right now actually ^-^' On a lighter note, my birthday's in 16 days, the last day of school in 24, they'll start shipping the orders of 1000 Words in 30.

I've been in a pretty swell mood, considering I'm fit to burst with excitement over various things this month, as well as planning for summer vacation. My brother and I won't get to spend ANY time on the couch this summer if I have anything to say about it.

Talking to my friend about fangirling and trying to suppress it during school hours and the like, I can't help but wonder if perhaps I get too excited over little things. But isn't that supposed to be a good thing? To take pleasure in the little things of life, not take things for granted?

Monday, April 23, 2012

When Time's Curveball Hits You in the Face Cuz You Didn't Swing Fast Enough

I actually have no clue what I'm talking about with the baseball/softball references, but I needed a title so whatever.

So, as a self-proclaimed nerd and borderline introvert, it is positively surreal to have a social calender that needs coordinating. My eyes are crossing just thinking about it.

I'm coming up on the end of my eighth grade year, and the school packs all the fun stuff for the top dogs into the last month or so of school. Eighth grade meal (last Friday), Visitors' Day (this Friday), eighth grade trip, graduation, end of school, examination, confirmation, etc. Plus my birthday, and various other events I'm attending, dates I'm looking forward too, all between now and the the beginning of June. As it is, I have to finish planning my eighth grade video to be shown on the last day of school before tomorrow, and don't even get me started on homework ;-;

As to be expected of a hermit such as myself, I'm floored at this sudden rush of activity. I've had periods like this before (see "Time Flies When You Have None") where I'm just swamped by things to do so everything goes by in a blur.

Only thing one can do is hang on tight and do their best, wait for it to pass. For me, I'll probably get my peace once summer vacation rolls around. I'll try to have fun and not die until then.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Judgement, Perception, and Perspective

I've become so bad at keeping this up, not just due to my bad memory, but I also find it hard to commit to the 30 minutes+ that it takes for me to finish one post. Thus, I have decided to simply write shorter posts. ^-^
 So, right now, we are watching a new Mythbusters, which is comparing stereotypes in a battle of the sexes. A quick test they did was perception of emotions. Women proved that they are better and faster at reading facial cues. Of course, they cannot test the whole world, but for the control group they used, this was true. (Though guys did affirm to be better drivers, and they also broke the speed limit less) So who is to say what gender is in general?

Many aspects of life and perception depend wholly on perspective. Whether it comes down to tendency to exaggeration, age, preconceived ideas and sterotypes, or emotion, it all depends on how you look at it. An example: I tend to have an immediate feeling of superiority if somebody doesn't read much. Though I am often taken off my high horse and I try to prevent judgement, it is the sad truth for me, and probably most people. I bet we've all had the experience of judging somebody and regretting it later.

I've found it is always good to keep your preconceived ideas in check (the best you can) and try to hold off on the judgements until you know the person better. And even then, give them the benfit of a doubt. Some say "people never change" or "once a _____, always a _____" Don't judge a book by its cover. People can change, and how they do may just surprise you.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Back to Business

Heeeeeey I'm back! I ended up ditching this blog for so much longer than I planned, I'm sorry ;-;
So, spring break is over, we're back from Florida, and I am rounding off my first week returning to school. It went by really fast actually.

So, Florida. We visited beaches on both the Gulf and Atlantic sides. The Atlantic ocean was a lot stronger, and I got a nasty bruise on my hip because I was too cocky when I first went in. Silly Shannon, eh? We did not go to Universal, but we did visit Sea World. Sea World was amazing. It made me want to become a marine biologist so I could move to Florida and work there. My mom says good luck, that's probably the ambition of every teenage girl that comes here. Hurray for familial support! I came back loaded with silly, tourist-y souvenirs and a bit of a tan. Thankfully, I only burned a bit, on my nose, and that faded pretty quickly.

It feels great to be home, and the weather is almost as nice here as it was in Florida! I hardly had to adjust from climate shock at all.

Since I haven't discussed my art mishaps lately, I'll update on them now.
My friend Sarah and I made a little clay dinosaur today. I posted a picture on FB, but I will here too.
Other than that, I painted another page of the coloring book yesterday, and I plan to do the same today. It may not be very complex, but it's calming. I do want to explore more into the painting medium, so hopefully I can get some thicker paints eventually.
I have also become fascinated with the art of calligraphy. The senior art class of the high school has a few pieces on display at the public library, including several from a calligraphy class. A friend of mine had a calligraphy-style pen she was using, which I found was quite entertaining when she let me try it ^-^

Besides ever adding items to my personal list of things to buy, a couple have been crossed off said list. Unfortunately, the traditional drawings I wanted from a favorite artist of mine, Brigid Vaughn, were purchased, so I hope she will be adding more. I also purchased The Red Pyramid while at the airport in Tampa. Once I get The Demigod Files and The Throne of Fire, I'll have /all/ of Riordan's books. I am not as much of a fan of the Kane chronicles as much as the Percy Jackson series, but they're still good.

I discovered a sad truth today. After all my work and fuss over finding the perfect recipe for mac and cheese, I found I didn't even need one. With the velveeta we had, some butter, milk, and just a bit of shredded cheese, I made...possibly the best yet. Though I did use elements from my uncle's recipe, simple seems to do the trick.
Must keep such things in mind for the next time.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Time Flies When You Have None

Has it really been almost a week? I'm sorry ;_; This week was terrible and hectic and stressful, but now it's spring break, and it's all behind me!
See, poor little Shannon is hopelessly technologically (I don't even know if that's how to spell it) challenged. I finally get on blogger to write this long-overdue post and BAM! I'm not signed in. Oh, well that's easy! I go over to the sign in thing and it's got my sitalafox account on gmail. I type in the password I use for everything and it takes me to a signup page. I frown and try again. After the third time I'm in a total panic, thinking I lost my account. Then I started thinking "wait a minute...I don't use my gmail account for anything!" so I try my aol email and that works. True story, bro.

I am currently babysitting CHILDREN. 4 children+me+all day=chaos. They're generally pretty good, though. For whatever reason, they think I'm a great babysitter. I'm enjoyable, guys. Though I guess the technology they have to play with helps. Good thing they know how to work it, because we all know I'm hopeless. e.e

So, this week went really fast. It was awful and horrible and tough, but it went by in a blur. Time flys when you're not having any fun, but don't have time to whine about it, right? I still have stuff to do for school and everything else, but the worst (for now) is behind me.
It's another one of those things that I have "inspirational" ramblings to spout. I have short periods like this a lot, where I'm spent and I just want to go to bed as soon as I get home every day, but I have things to do (not just because I'm a procrastinator) so I stay up even later than usual. I do have methods to prevent me from breaking down, though.
It helps to use some of the solutions I have for other mental breakdowns. One of these is to stop. Just stop. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and tell myself it's not so bad as I think. Life happens, and if you can't get this done, so be it. Like I said in one of my previous posts, worrying never made anybody any taller anyways. Though I can lecture you guys about how you shouldn't worry, I do it a lot ;_; But it helps to take a break and tell yourself that life happens. And now that I'm repeating myself, I'll move on to the next technique I use.
Hugs. Chocolate. Sleep. I have a friend who does not like hugs, and it is just about the saddest thing ever. I love hugs. Just ask my mother.
Chocolate. Almost better than hugs. It's a chick thing.
Sleep is something necessary, and it's actually quite relaxing. That feeling you get when you're just waking up in the warm blankets, in the perfect position you just slept in, and feeling rested, and (pretty much) ready to face the day=priceless.

Spending time with family and friends is wonderful too. The people that understand you completely, that know you. A warm hug from someone who loves you enough to buy you chocolate, right before you go to sleep. The best therapy ever.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

If Wishes Were Horses, Dreamers Would Ride

ABSURD. :iconimshockedplz:

Anywho, update time~
So, yesterday sucked. I won't go into details, but it just...sucked. I did feel better after I had a chicken chimichanga from Cancun. Nothing like something deep fried to cheer a girl up, amIright?

So after coming home from Cancun, I proceeded to watch shows about criminals with my mom. Fun, right? First it was a show about drug smugglers, then one about prison life, then I watched the end of The Fast and the Furious. ;D
Today, we went to Walmart. I got new socks. ^-^ And as my mom stayed with Cal for his eye appointment, I wandered around, looking at everything. I ended up adding a whole bunch of stuff to my personal wishlist. Stuff that I'll get when I have money. Almost none of the things I want are really expensive (a lot isn't even over $10) but it really adds up when you put it all together.
I want a box of 50 colored pencils, and gelpens! Things of which I envy my sister. I shall have my own!
A batman shirt, too. Enough said.

Actually a lot of the things on my wishlist are art related. There are a few artists on deviantArt that really inspire me. I'll probably never be able to commission them, but a girl can dream, right?
However, they do have other things that I can get (pre-drawn pictures, posters) so those are definitely at the top of my wishlist!

Seriously, Shannon, stop talking about stuff you want. Got anything deep to say?
Why, yes, yes I do, bossy little voice in my head among many.

Hopes. Dreams. Aspirations. Plans. Goals. Everybody has them. And lately, I've been thinking about what mine are. What will I do with my life?
Of course, I have one of those impossible dreams that so few actually accomplish. For me, it's to be a famous actress. Yeah, Shannon, good luck with that. Though you are definitely dramatic enough for it.
Though I'm far too young to be making decisions, I've also thought about enlisting in a section of the armed forces. I'm too small to be a grunt/footsoldier, too afraid of heights for the air force, and not cool enough to be special forces, but surely is something I'd qualify for, hmm? Of course, it's all speculation. My mother doesn't have to worry about that yet. She thinks I'm too sensitive, too fragile to be in the army. She's probably right.
So how about something practical? I have considered this, yes. I might enjoy eing a lit/comp teacher. Or a librarian. Those are normal, bookworm-y things that one can easily achieve, right?

But what about you? What are your aspirations? Maybe you will be one of those few who attain their impossible dream, what one thinks can only be had in their childlike fantasies.

But I warn you. Don't focus so much on being successful that you lose the here and now. To throw some cliche phrases out there, stop and smell the roses, take it one step at a time. Each day as it comes.
You may still be my age, and I urge you to act it. Blast some music, hug your mother (your dad, too!)
Lie on the floor and pretend you're a carrot.
Live. Love. Laugh.
God gave you this life for a reason, and He has it all under control. Worrying never made anybody taller, anyways. There are days when you may feel like there's no way you can go on, but you will.
Life is a gift, and God won't let us waste it. Each day is just one more chapter in our life.
You'll never know what happens next until you turn the page.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Snow Thingys and Personal Peanut Galleries

NOTE: Hey guys, I fixied it so that anybody can post a comment, you don't need any kind of account to do that. Thanks Aunt J. for telling me I ought to do that ^-^

Hey guuuuys we had a snowday. When I woke up, my mom was already out in the yard finishing her snowman. At least somebody was happy about the snow (for reasons other than no school, that is) Unfortunately, the snow was and is too wet to go skiing, so that was a major killjoy. I am not a huge fan of skiing like my mom, but I do enjoy it. =]
When I finally got out of bed-after almost 16 hours straight-at about 2 PM, I went outside, determined to make a snowman to go with my mom's classic, and Cal's mini one. And...I ended up...with...a snow... THINGY?!
...I blame my dad and the influence of Calvin and Hobbes. <<>> My mom has never been this weird.

So...THROWS THINGS. My earbuds died on me...again. This is like the 5th pair in the past year. I want some really cool high quality
preferably lime green like that ;_; sigh. anybody got $50?
I've always thought some noise-bloccking headphones would be cool, but then I'd NEVER hear people yelling at me. I already don't...
I focus very intensely on things, and if I have my music cranked in the car or wherever, my family will be straight-up yelling at me and I won't notice a thing. Sometimes I do hear them, to a degree, but when I stop to listen, I don't hear anything, so I just reimmerse myself in whatever I'm doing.
One thing I know, I HAVE to get some new earbuds/headphones before we live for Florida.

How would I survive without my music? I have become a lot more attached to music in the past year. The space feels empty without it, and I listen to it on the bus every morning. Not only does it drown out the noise of the other people, but it can help improve my mood too. I have songs that make me sit up a little straighter that I like to listen to right before we get to school. I dunno, it just helps. Now all I need to do is figure out how to get the empowerment of music...while still being able to hear people yelling at me ^-^'

There are other things that have come to inspire me besides music, also in the past year. Since the beginning of seventh grade, I've grown and changed a lot. I've found what lets me soar, and what keeps me grounded enough to always come back.
Okay wow that sounded so cheesy. Moving on.
Reading is always a great way to have a small escape. Much better than homework. And a few times, I have found myself getting EXTREMELY attached to the characters. Oh goodness, then I get so mad when people diss my favorites or get stuff wrong. Series that affect me this way: PERCY JACKSON<3333,
Twilight (though I do not care for this so much anymore), and Hana-Kimi, my favorite manga. Obviously, PJ the most. I am so in love with RR's characters don't even start with me.
I also enjoy writing. I have my own characters permanently etched into my mind, and they are constantly visiting. You will find that these are the voices in my head, constantly giving input. Actually, Axel is the one that shows up most often, and I haven't even really written about him...
Moving on from the crazy voices talk. (But seriously, ask any author. They'll agree with me about the voices and characters always being present and giving their input. Thank you, personal peanut gallery)
I like sunshine and flowers too! /hippie/ I wish I was a more active person so I could be soutside more, but I am lazy. However! Bill Gates said, "I would give the hardest job to lazy person. They are sure to find an easy way to do it." So there is hope for world domination yet! (Alas, there is no hope for procrastinators. Enough said.)

I have also become a bit OCD about my room. My mother must be so proud. She hasn't had to tell me to clean my room in a long time. I like to keep it in a state where it is cozy and lived in, but neat. Everything is where I can find it, and the things I use often are easily accessible! It's a necessity for procrastinators who sleep in. Guilty as charged. YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE.
Cough. Moving on. Again. What was IN that gum Mikayla gave me at church today...?

One thing that I have found that I REALLY enjoy is blogging, actually. I always have a lot to say, and even if I get all ahsjgfjhsdf because I don't have time to write the lengthy posts I often do (procrastination, anybody?), it is relaxing. You can all just pretend I'm funny and laugh at my jokes =D

Monday, February 27, 2012

Success...and Waiting

I think I got it! Using my Uncle Justin's recipe (with a few minor changes) I have succeeded in making good mac-and-cheese. There are a few adjustments I can make next time to perfect it. Here is the original recipe:

1/2 box of favorite noodles. (rigatoni works well)
1/4 lb of Monterrey Jack cheese
1/4 lb velveeta melting cheese
3 tablespoons of butter
1/4 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 cup bread crumbs

So cook noodles and drain.
Mix cheeses, milk, butter and garlic over low heat until melted.
Combine pasta and cheese sauce in medium baking dish.
Spread bread crumbs in even layer over the top.
Bake uncovered for 25 minutes at 375 in the oven.

Personally, I'm not a fan of the bread crumb topping, so I left that out. I would suggest using even a bit less of the garlic powder, it's really strong. (we were out of garlic powder, so I ended up using onion powder, but it's essentially the same) Another thing is to make sure you start melting the cheese and other ingredients while the noodles are still cooking, I found it takes a while. You  also will want to bake it covered, and it doesn't necessarily need to take 25 minutes. I added a bit of mild shredded cheddar on top, just for kicks. And once the cheese melts, you can have chef's liberty with it.

It was a good day. I didn't have homework. I came home, made mac and cheese, and watched a few more episodes of Winx Club, while eating cookie dough ice cream. Life is soooo worth living, if only for the ice cream and cartoons.
So now that I have that obsession out of my system, I can turn to other matters in my life. Our trip to Florida is coming up, and I am beyond excited! The Harry Potter place seems cool, and I might even enjoy Sponge-o-rama (though that's a long shot) I'm sure it will be amusing in it's own cheesy way. But..I mean...look at it. It's sillier than Shell City! I'll be sure to bring back some sponge home decor to redecorate my room. ^-^

I have always had an intense desire to travel, to go anywhere but where I am. We don't travel often, so I'm gonna milk this for all it's worth!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cheese Frustration and Guilty Pleasures

Soon this blog is going to turn into my documentations of my quest to make the perfect mac-and-cheese...

I plan to try out my Uncle J's recipe as soon as I can get the ingredients from Walmart, but since I hate to wait, I tried to make some using this cheese sauce powder we had in the cabinet. Good thing I didn't get my hopes up. I told my parents the stuff you make from "cheese powder" is always nasty, but they encouraged me to try it. Agh. It was terrible. I couldn't even finish one bowl, even after mixing in some real shredded cheese. It tasted so off, so unlike cheese, that I couldn't stand it.

At my rants about cheese powder issues, Mikayla just says to me, "You know who whines? Babies." A quote we all laugh at from Supernatural, but it is quite annoying to not have this terrible predicament recognized. My family and friends know that I take my pasta very seriously.

See, I figured out my problem with Easy Mac and other fake cheese powder kinds. Of course, I do have the obvious problem of it being real cheese, or at least TASTE real, but their is also the consistency. I want thickness, not cheesy water mixed with noodles. restaurant quality! If you're ever at Noodles & Company, but don't want to go with one of the exotic dishes (careful, most of them are spicy!) then go with their Macaroni-and-cheese; it's simple and amazing. I can definitely tell they make it form some degree. Yes, I'm sure, Dad!

On a happier note, Mikayla and I want to drive to Chicago in October. Why? Supernatural convention, of course! Jensen Ackles (Dean) and Jared Padalecki (Sam) are going to be there! Though I knew about and liked the show before my sister Mikayla did, she's a real fangirl for it! There aren't many things she gets really worked up about, but when she does, it's an obsession! Hearing her go on about it makes me want to hole up in my room and follow in her footsteps on watching all 6 seasons ;_; Perhaps when I've finished the 4 seasons if Winx Club...

Speaking of Winx Club, we're back on the topic of guilty pleasures. Everybody has them, but who will admit it? Some of you know that I have my own level of love for pasta (especially Chicken Alfredo Tuscani Pasta from Pizza Hut! If you haven't tried it, do it now! Get breadsticks too, mmmm....) as well as chocolate. I am not a big fan of dark chocolate, but just about anything that contains chocolate at all is a great gift for any occasion (at least in my case). I have also always had a secret desire to watch girly kids' movies, namely Barbie. I was too old for them when they started coming out, but I've always wanted to see them anyways. I loved Winx Club back when it was still on Saturday morning cartoons (I was 7, maybe 8?) and now I have a renewed fandom of it, watching the episodes on youtube. They came out with a new version of it, and it's awful!

Are you willing to admit your guilty pleasures?

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Gun Shows and Sherlock Holmes

Don't use that mac and cheese recipe. Unfortunately, it was a total bust. I will have to find a different one to try.

Today, I went to a friend's and watched Psych while our dads went to a gun show together. On our way back, we went to Dairy Queen.This was the first time I ever had REAL food from there, as opposed to just ice cream. The chicken sandwich could've used a bit more mayo and the fries more salt, but it was pretty good, otherwise. ^-^

I've also started watching all the episodes from the cartoon I used to watch, Winx Club. "Oh my goody goodness" I missed it. Don't judge, we all have those guilty pleasures we're way too old for but do anyways, right?

Mikayla, Dad, and I saw the second Sherlock Holmes movie again. If you have not seen it, GO. I have yet to see the first, but I cannot wait! You don't have to see the first to enjoy it =]

Friday, February 24, 2012

A Mac-and-Cheese Worthy Day

In a book series I'm reading, Stephanie, the main character, eats mac-and-cheese to help her get over her worst days. It must be a sign that I was craving it the whole time I was working at lit fair. True, I stayed up later than I should have last night, and thus it is partly my fault I had a bad day and sore legs, but whatever.
I hate the stuff from a box, so I chose this homemade recipe:
Looks promising! Will tell in the next post if it was any good.

As a dedicated follower of many online blogs, webcomics, etc., it is often quite disappointing when they do not update for a long time. As this annoys me so, plus the fact that I have a lot to say, I will probably be posting every day. I might as well get a twitter.

I have painted a bit more since my first post, but I took the bunny coloring book to school with me today and colored a few pictures in with colored pencil when I had the time. I earned a few funny looks, but it was definitely worth the calming effect it had.

For art class today, we had a special visitor, as opposed to an assignment. The daughter of our old art teacher, and a legit artist herself. She went to college for it and everything! She told us a bit about the process and mediums. It was very interesting, and makes me want to paint more ^-^

By the way: I have a new song I'm addicted to! Do not judge it immediately, the bagpipes are only for the intro ;_; Get past that, and it's a great song!
Rhythm of my Heart- Rod Stewart

Thursday, February 23, 2012

In Which I am a Failure

Late last night, I decided I would try to give up chocolate for Lent. I intended for it to be a test of willpower, as well as a religious exercise.
That lasted until about 20 minutes after I got home.
I made a valiant effort, but chocolate has been on my mind ALL. DAY. And when I came home, there was a bag of mini Reese's peanut butter cups, fudge striped cookies, and a bag of chocolate chips. They mocked me while I tried to satisfy myself with chips... crackers... cantaloupe.
I finally broke down and decided that I was never cut out to be a dedicated person anyways, as I ate 3 PB cups and 2 cookies. The sad truth.
Think I can try again starting tomorrow? ;_;

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Procrastinator's Therapy

Nothing better than painting whack Disney characters to calm the amateur artist's nerves.
I should be doing just about everything but creating a blog right now, but I've always been a procrastinator, and responsibility has always been able to wait. (I'm not dead yet!) Because I don't have my sketchbook (thanks, Sarah) I was desperately searching for some way to vent creativity. I started with clay, but it wasn't working the way I wanted, so I turned to watercolor painting. I got my mom's coloring book from downstairs and had at it. It's been forever since I last painted, and I soon discovered that watercolors are SABOTAGE for trying to stay in the lines. Any 1st grader could've told me that, but I seemed to have forgotten that problem. After mishaps with trying to mix the vivid green and the murky brown, I just gave up and focused on not making it look like it'd been done by a 3 year old. I even managed to mostly stick to natural colors! (Big thing for me, I usually get fed up with natural colors and go all fluorescent on it <<>>) However, the idea of simply painting Thumper grey and white was so devestating, I couldn't help myself. He now has a sort of...happy Disney Bunnicula vibe? I think it's an improvement.

Stupid phone picture, but whatever. His stomach's still wet here, but once again, whatever. After it dried, it actually didn't look half-bad overall. I will definitely be doing this again, though I might have to try fingerpainting again first. ^-^ I'll get the hang of it, and it's quite therapeutic.