Friday, March 9, 2012

Time Flies When You Have None

Has it really been almost a week? I'm sorry ;_; This week was terrible and hectic and stressful, but now it's spring break, and it's all behind me!
See, poor little Shannon is hopelessly technologically (I don't even know if that's how to spell it) challenged. I finally get on blogger to write this long-overdue post and BAM! I'm not signed in. Oh, well that's easy! I go over to the sign in thing and it's got my sitalafox account on gmail. I type in the password I use for everything and it takes me to a signup page. I frown and try again. After the third time I'm in a total panic, thinking I lost my account. Then I started thinking "wait a minute...I don't use my gmail account for anything!" so I try my aol email and that works. True story, bro.

I am currently babysitting CHILDREN. 4 children+me+all day=chaos. They're generally pretty good, though. For whatever reason, they think I'm a great babysitter. I'm enjoyable, guys. Though I guess the technology they have to play with helps. Good thing they know how to work it, because we all know I'm hopeless. e.e

So, this week went really fast. It was awful and horrible and tough, but it went by in a blur. Time flys when you're not having any fun, but don't have time to whine about it, right? I still have stuff to do for school and everything else, but the worst (for now) is behind me.
It's another one of those things that I have "inspirational" ramblings to spout. I have short periods like this a lot, where I'm spent and I just want to go to bed as soon as I get home every day, but I have things to do (not just because I'm a procrastinator) so I stay up even later than usual. I do have methods to prevent me from breaking down, though.
It helps to use some of the solutions I have for other mental breakdowns. One of these is to stop. Just stop. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and tell myself it's not so bad as I think. Life happens, and if you can't get this done, so be it. Like I said in one of my previous posts, worrying never made anybody any taller anyways. Though I can lecture you guys about how you shouldn't worry, I do it a lot ;_; But it helps to take a break and tell yourself that life happens. And now that I'm repeating myself, I'll move on to the next technique I use.
Hugs. Chocolate. Sleep. I have a friend who does not like hugs, and it is just about the saddest thing ever. I love hugs. Just ask my mother.
Chocolate. Almost better than hugs. It's a chick thing.
Sleep is something necessary, and it's actually quite relaxing. That feeling you get when you're just waking up in the warm blankets, in the perfect position you just slept in, and feeling rested, and (pretty much) ready to face the day=priceless.

Spending time with family and friends is wonderful too. The people that understand you completely, that know you. A warm hug from someone who loves you enough to buy you chocolate, right before you go to sleep. The best therapy ever.

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