Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Shakespeare and Spontaneity

STUFFSTUFFSTUFFSTUFF.Yeah, wrapping up the school year. I've gotten past the stage where I yell at life "NO NO WAIT I'M NOT READY" to the point where I just resolve myself to the events and try not to fall off the treadmill.

So I was walking and talking with my mom and the subject of parenting came up. We discussed how when you first start out (though I do not speak from personal experience) you expect everything to go a certain way and when your kids act up, you think you're doing something wrong. And then you keep worrying but eventually you realize that it's not necessarily your fault, that life just goes that way sometimes.
And I was I thinking about the future the wrong way? Maybe I'm just naive and happy-go-lucky, but all I planned was the fun stuff I wanted to teach my kids and be all spontaneous. Rules never even crossed my mind. Maybe it's just too early for that.

One of the things I would get all excited about was Shakespeare. I have recently gotten REALLY into Shakespeare, because there's simply nothing you can say that he hasn't said better. And it made me remember a book I used to (and still) love, Shakespeare's Secret. In that book, she talks about how when she was a little girl, she would sometimes wake up late at night and hear her dad reading it to himself. He would read to her for a while until she fell asleep to the melodious sound of the words. I want to do that. Even if I don't have kids, I want to do that. I'm sure I'll find some kid to read Shakespeare to, if I have no children of my own.

I also daydream about spontaneity. Sometimes we'll be riding in the van and I'll wish my parents would just pull over and I would get out and run through that green field of grass barefoot. That's pretty much motto (besides the obvious Hakuna Matata) SPONTANEITY. ILOVEIT.

I like books. Bye.
See what I did there? Yeah, I just made a point for my closing.

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