Sunday, April 22, 2012

Judgement, Perception, and Perspective

I've become so bad at keeping this up, not just due to my bad memory, but I also find it hard to commit to the 30 minutes+ that it takes for me to finish one post. Thus, I have decided to simply write shorter posts. ^-^
 So, right now, we are watching a new Mythbusters, which is comparing stereotypes in a battle of the sexes. A quick test they did was perception of emotions. Women proved that they are better and faster at reading facial cues. Of course, they cannot test the whole world, but for the control group they used, this was true. (Though guys did affirm to be better drivers, and they also broke the speed limit less) So who is to say what gender is in general?

Many aspects of life and perception depend wholly on perspective. Whether it comes down to tendency to exaggeration, age, preconceived ideas and sterotypes, or emotion, it all depends on how you look at it. An example: I tend to have an immediate feeling of superiority if somebody doesn't read much. Though I am often taken off my high horse and I try to prevent judgement, it is the sad truth for me, and probably most people. I bet we've all had the experience of judging somebody and regretting it later.

I've found it is always good to keep your preconceived ideas in check (the best you can) and try to hold off on the judgements until you know the person better. And even then, give them the benfit of a doubt. Some say "people never change" or "once a _____, always a _____" Don't judge a book by its cover. People can change, and how they do may just surprise you.

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