Monday, April 23, 2012

When Time's Curveball Hits You in the Face Cuz You Didn't Swing Fast Enough

I actually have no clue what I'm talking about with the baseball/softball references, but I needed a title so whatever.

So, as a self-proclaimed nerd and borderline introvert, it is positively surreal to have a social calender that needs coordinating. My eyes are crossing just thinking about it.

I'm coming up on the end of my eighth grade year, and the school packs all the fun stuff for the top dogs into the last month or so of school. Eighth grade meal (last Friday), Visitors' Day (this Friday), eighth grade trip, graduation, end of school, examination, confirmation, etc. Plus my birthday, and various other events I'm attending, dates I'm looking forward too, all between now and the the beginning of June. As it is, I have to finish planning my eighth grade video to be shown on the last day of school before tomorrow, and don't even get me started on homework ;-;

As to be expected of a hermit such as myself, I'm floored at this sudden rush of activity. I've had periods like this before (see "Time Flies When You Have None") where I'm just swamped by things to do so everything goes by in a blur.

Only thing one can do is hang on tight and do their best, wait for it to pass. For me, I'll probably get my peace once summer vacation rolls around. I'll try to have fun and not die until then.

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