Sunday, May 20, 2012

With Closure Comes Growth

It's a good thing I got a new sketchbook for my birthday, because I just filled up my current one. I went back through it and was amazed at the difference. What encourages your growth as an artist and anything, really, is practice. The beginning of my sketchbook is 11/30/11. The end is today, 5/20/12. But what is sad is the gap. There are 70 pages full, but there is nothing between 1/7/12 and 4/2/12.
It can be known as art block, but this is not always the most accurate title for it. It is a different experience for everyone, but as far as I know, it is always painful. For those who love to draw, paint, or "art" in general, to not do so is frustrating, to say the least.
 As far as my experience, it was more an absence of passion than a blockade of inspiration. Until recently, to draw was not a big part of me. Now I have an urge to "art" that grips me until I start sketching furiously.
This probably reflects not only my growth as an artist, but as a person. I am a teenager, and thus I am changing. The official reason is wonky hormones, but it is also a transition into an adult, a development of thought and self. I know that I, personally, am always very much on the emotional spectrum. I laugh and love, I cry and close myself off. Everything just seems better or worse than it would if I was younger or older.
My love of music has also grown immensely, but I will talk about that another day. For now, we will continue the topic of growing as an artist with self-esteem.
"Oh another wonky teenager thing." But everybody has issues with this, some more than others. But ask anybody who is considered an artist, and they will have a story of this awful feeling that you don't have talent, or that your work means nothing to anybody. Or, on the other hand, you could ask an "unartistic" person. It may surprise you that they have a passion for it, but nobody realizes or acknowledges it.
Right now, I am eager to work more on my skills with a branching out. I have always been a traditional artist, (meaning not digital), sketching on paper with a pencil. But this summer, I hope to try other mediums, and my friend and I are planning on doing some collabs to help eachother. (she has been doing this whole arting thing a LOT longer, and she is very talented. I'm quite excited to work with her
So the end of this sketchbook gives me more of a sense of closure than before. I think that art is a bigger part of me than it was 3 months ago. And I hope to grow in talent and confidence. My dream is that someday I will be able to touch somebody with something meaningful this way.
See some HUGE inspirations for me, people who have touched me as I hope to touch people, in the links below: (my sister) (non biological sister) (ADORE her style and character, she also has a lot of fanart of some of my favorite book series!) (beautiful artist, her /comics/ have such meaning sjfgahjsgfd no words) (just...whoa) (Can I do that someday? I hope so) (this guy...funny, an amazing artist, great writer) (wonderful artist, even better friend) (I absolutely love this artist's painting) (yeah, I can't read any of that either, but ohmygoodness favorite manga style EVER)
Must stop before I flood this with links to amazing artists. I have so many more but must resist.
Wow I could hardly form a coherent thought in my whole meaningful speech dsghjdfgs.

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