Saturday, March 3, 2012

If Wishes Were Horses, Dreamers Would Ride

ABSURD. :iconimshockedplz:

Anywho, update time~
So, yesterday sucked. I won't go into details, but it just...sucked. I did feel better after I had a chicken chimichanga from Cancun. Nothing like something deep fried to cheer a girl up, amIright?

So after coming home from Cancun, I proceeded to watch shows about criminals with my mom. Fun, right? First it was a show about drug smugglers, then one about prison life, then I watched the end of The Fast and the Furious. ;D
Today, we went to Walmart. I got new socks. ^-^ And as my mom stayed with Cal for his eye appointment, I wandered around, looking at everything. I ended up adding a whole bunch of stuff to my personal wishlist. Stuff that I'll get when I have money. Almost none of the things I want are really expensive (a lot isn't even over $10) but it really adds up when you put it all together.
I want a box of 50 colored pencils, and gelpens! Things of which I envy my sister. I shall have my own!
A batman shirt, too. Enough said.

Actually a lot of the things on my wishlist are art related. There are a few artists on deviantArt that really inspire me. I'll probably never be able to commission them, but a girl can dream, right?
However, they do have other things that I can get (pre-drawn pictures, posters) so those are definitely at the top of my wishlist!

Seriously, Shannon, stop talking about stuff you want. Got anything deep to say?
Why, yes, yes I do, bossy little voice in my head among many.

Hopes. Dreams. Aspirations. Plans. Goals. Everybody has them. And lately, I've been thinking about what mine are. What will I do with my life?
Of course, I have one of those impossible dreams that so few actually accomplish. For me, it's to be a famous actress. Yeah, Shannon, good luck with that. Though you are definitely dramatic enough for it.
Though I'm far too young to be making decisions, I've also thought about enlisting in a section of the armed forces. I'm too small to be a grunt/footsoldier, too afraid of heights for the air force, and not cool enough to be special forces, but surely is something I'd qualify for, hmm? Of course, it's all speculation. My mother doesn't have to worry about that yet. She thinks I'm too sensitive, too fragile to be in the army. She's probably right.
So how about something practical? I have considered this, yes. I might enjoy eing a lit/comp teacher. Or a librarian. Those are normal, bookworm-y things that one can easily achieve, right?

But what about you? What are your aspirations? Maybe you will be one of those few who attain their impossible dream, what one thinks can only be had in their childlike fantasies.

But I warn you. Don't focus so much on being successful that you lose the here and now. To throw some cliche phrases out there, stop and smell the roses, take it one step at a time. Each day as it comes.
You may still be my age, and I urge you to act it. Blast some music, hug your mother (your dad, too!)
Lie on the floor and pretend you're a carrot.
Live. Love. Laugh.
God gave you this life for a reason, and He has it all under control. Worrying never made anybody taller, anyways. There are days when you may feel like there's no way you can go on, but you will.
Life is a gift, and God won't let us waste it. Each day is just one more chapter in our life.
You'll never know what happens next until you turn the page.

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