Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Snow Thingys and Personal Peanut Galleries

NOTE: Hey guys, I fixied it so that anybody can post a comment, you don't need any kind of account to do that. Thanks Aunt J. for telling me I ought to do that ^-^

Hey guuuuys we had a snowday. When I woke up, my mom was already out in the yard finishing her snowman. At least somebody was happy about the snow (for reasons other than no school, that is) Unfortunately, the snow was and is too wet to go skiing, so that was a major killjoy. I am not a huge fan of skiing like my mom, but I do enjoy it. =]
When I finally got out of bed-after almost 16 hours straight-at about 2 PM, I went outside, determined to make a snowman to go with my mom's classic, and Cal's mini one. And...I ended up...with...a snow... THINGY?!
...I blame my dad and the influence of Calvin and Hobbes. <<>> My mom has never been this weird.

So...THROWS THINGS. My earbuds died on me...again. This is like the 5th pair in the past year. I want some really cool high quality
preferably lime green like that ;_; sigh. anybody got $50?
I've always thought some noise-bloccking headphones would be cool, but then I'd NEVER hear people yelling at me. I already don't...
I focus very intensely on things, and if I have my music cranked in the car or wherever, my family will be straight-up yelling at me and I won't notice a thing. Sometimes I do hear them, to a degree, but when I stop to listen, I don't hear anything, so I just reimmerse myself in whatever I'm doing.
One thing I know, I HAVE to get some new earbuds/headphones before we live for Florida.

How would I survive without my music? I have become a lot more attached to music in the past year. The space feels empty without it, and I listen to it on the bus every morning. Not only does it drown out the noise of the other people, but it can help improve my mood too. I have songs that make me sit up a little straighter that I like to listen to right before we get to school. I dunno, it just helps. Now all I need to do is figure out how to get the empowerment of music...while still being able to hear people yelling at me ^-^'

There are other things that have come to inspire me besides music, also in the past year. Since the beginning of seventh grade, I've grown and changed a lot. I've found what lets me soar, and what keeps me grounded enough to always come back.
Okay wow that sounded so cheesy. Moving on.
Reading is always a great way to have a small escape. Much better than homework. And a few times, I have found myself getting EXTREMELY attached to the characters. Oh goodness, then I get so mad when people diss my favorites or get stuff wrong. Series that affect me this way: PERCY JACKSON<3333,
Twilight (though I do not care for this so much anymore), and Hana-Kimi, my favorite manga. Obviously, PJ the most. I am so in love with RR's characters don't even start with me.
I also enjoy writing. I have my own characters permanently etched into my mind, and they are constantly visiting. You will find that these are the voices in my head, constantly giving input. Actually, Axel is the one that shows up most often, and I haven't even really written about him...
Moving on from the crazy voices talk. (But seriously, ask any author. They'll agree with me about the voices and characters always being present and giving their input. Thank you, personal peanut gallery)
I like sunshine and flowers too! /hippie/ I wish I was a more active person so I could be soutside more, but I am lazy. However! Bill Gates said, "I would give the hardest job to lazy person. They are sure to find an easy way to do it." So there is hope for world domination yet! (Alas, there is no hope for procrastinators. Enough said.)

I have also become a bit OCD about my room. My mother must be so proud. She hasn't had to tell me to clean my room in a long time. I like to keep it in a state where it is cozy and lived in, but neat. Everything is where I can find it, and the things I use often are easily accessible! It's a necessity for procrastinators who sleep in. Guilty as charged. YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE.
Cough. Moving on. Again. What was IN that gum Mikayla gave me at church today...?

One thing that I have found that I REALLY enjoy is blogging, actually. I always have a lot to say, and even if I get all ahsjgfjhsdf because I don't have time to write the lengthy posts I often do (procrastination, anybody?), it is relaxing. You can all just pretend I'm funny and laugh at my jokes =D

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