Friday, January 11, 2013

Movie Magic and Daunting Lists

Dedicated to posting? Oh, yes, of course.

So I've been as busy as a person like me can be. I specialize in occupying myself with absolutely nothing. Over Christmas break, my one solid goal was to catch up with Homestuck, an over 5600 page feat I have been working towards for a year and a half. And I did it. I finished least until he updates in a few days.
I've also been watching movies. This is a relatively new obsession for me, prominent over the last year. I used to not care much for them, opting to instead stick with books. But, as with books, there are very few movies that I have found that genuinely disliked. Most often I find myself quite comically enraptured, especially when it comes to animated films. Who says they're only for children? I have so much more appreciation for it now, at fourteen, than I ever did as a little kid. Rise of the Guardians? 97 minutes of pure eye candy. And don't even get me started on the others; Brave, Paperman, Wreck-It Ralph...the list goes on. Lately, I've been trying to focus on those small things that make my heart swell; namely chocolate, pasta, a good book, kickin' music, and animation, movie magic. People tend to take for granted just how gorgeous they can make movies these days. Not even just animated movies, either. "Real-life" sci-fi and fantasy movies, with hundreds of hours of behind-the-scenes work in order to make them so aesthetically pleasing. Lord of the Rings (and The Hobbit), The Chronicles of Riddick, to name a mere few.
Something that often comes to mind is whether I'd rather be blind, or deaf. Of course, there are many more handicaps that would be awful as well, but to focus on those two. Deafness; to never again hear a fantastic musical score that you never noticed set the mood so well, until it's gone. The sounds of nature, and even the annoying din of city life, falling on unhearing ears. To never rock out to your favorite stupid song again. Scary. Especially with how much music has come to mean to me over the past few years. But can learn to read Braille, but until you do, you are as uneducated as a 4 year old. To have to write by feel, learn the placing of the letters on your keyboard well enough to type legibly, to need a machine to tell you what your computer screen says. And...the movies. I've heard there are inventions that will tell you what is happening in the movie...but the colors. The landscapes, the breathtaking scenery, the smooth motion and meticulate attention to detail. To never draw, doodle with the sights you see. To have to rely on your ears and outside assistance to make sure you are not stepping to your death on a busy highway. That is something that truly terrifies me. I would learn to cope, yes, but I am always thankful that I do not have to deal with that particular lesson.
So you have a newfound fascination with movies. Okay, what about reading? Ahhh, yes, I do have quite the task on my hands as far as reading goes. I have compiled for myself a list, of so many books I planned to read, or even never finished, or came recommended. I also have a movie/TV list, but it pales in comparison. Near 250 titles, not including separate books within each series. I hope to finish by the end of my senior year...or at least shoot for by the time I'm 30. The daunting thing is that it keeps growing. I have fallen off the reading bandwagon over this year, and yet I thirst for so much of it. I am off to a rocky start, having finished but a couple of them, but I refuse to let it be a project I start and ditch.
Only time will tell, I suppose.

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